“Here’s a Step-By-Step Plan That Makes Her Realize What She’s Lost and That You’re the Only Guy For Her — In 30 Days or Less, Guaranteed!”
Best-Selling Seduction Author Reveals How He Has Taught Hundreds Of Men To Attract Their Ex Back Into Their Arms… And How You Can Use These Secrets To Automatically Get Your Girl Back — Even If She Told You Never To Call Again!
- From: John Alexander
- Written:
My Friend,
If you’re feeling the pain, frustration and agony of getting dumped… If the woman who was the love of your life told you to leave her alone…
If she won’t even speak to you…
Then this could be the most important letter you’ll ever read. Here’s why.
You can win your woman back. You can do it within just 30 days. And this system works no matter how complicated your situation is… no matter how bad you screwed up… and even if she’s now dating another guy!
You Still Love Her…But All She Says Is “I Need Time”
It’s tough what you’re going through. You feel like your woman is slipping away. You’re confused. You’re depressed. You feel like you’re crushed under tons and tons of boulders.
Getting dumped by the woman of your life is literally just as painful as getting punched in the gut. (Scientists found that having a broken heart affects the exact same pain receptors in your brain as when you’re undergoing physical trauma.)
And getting her back is more wonderful than you could ever imagine.
Give Me 5 Minutes, And I’ll Show You The Easy-To-Follow Steps That Automatically Trigger Your Ex’s Attraction To You
But before I jump into details, let me say this. My name is John Alexander, and a few years ago I developed the girl-getting guide at alphamalesystem.com that’s become an “underground” bestseller. And since then I’ve helped thousands of guys find the woman of their dreams.
But I’ve also coached a great many guys in how to re-attract their ex-girlfriend back to them (and charge $800 an hour for the coaching). So with this guide I’m finally putting into writing the proven-to-work method I’ve developed for men I’ve helped to successfully re-attract their exes.
The system you’re about to discover has been thoroughly field-tested, so I can promise you it will work for you. It’s based on innate and uncontrollable instincts in your ex-girlfriend, which is why this plan is the closest thing to foolproof you’ll ever find in this world.
Easy To Use, But Reality Is NOT Like Some Movie
When you regain your woman’s love and affection, it’s not going to be by continuing to be a beta male who constantly kisses her ass. Nor is it going to be by calling her and texting her 18 times a day. (That may work in films, but in real life it just drives her away.)
This powerful material is only for you if you’re fed up with the loneliness and ready to drop your ego and get serious about getting your baby back into your life.
And here’s a word of caution: this Is NOT the kind of guide you’ll find in bookstores. It’s way too controversial to be picked up by a mainstream publisher.
You should only get this guide if you can handle the power of knowing the exact mental hot buttons to press with your ex-girlfriend… and promise to use these remarkable mind-control techniques for moral purposes only!
If you can handle that, then this extraordinary guide will take you by the hand and reveal to you the exact, step-by-step blueprint to turn your ex-girlfriend from a closed-off bitch who says “I need time”… to your horny girlfriend begging you to make love to her again and again… in just 30 days from now!
Can You Imagine How Great That Feels?
No matter how desperate your situation is, this system works for you. For example, Luke begged me to help him. Here’s one of the emails he wrote me:
“John, my girlfriend broke up with me two weeks ago and I’ve been devastated since she left. I’ve groveled and pleaded…I keep emailing, texting, calling, etc. She did not respond at all, never answered her phone or responded to any of my emails, other than to say not to contact her anymore. And I’ve heard through the grapevine that she’s now back with her ex, a real jerk who mistreats her.
“I even asked if I could stop by her class (she teaches a weeknight class at a local college) just to say hi, and she told me not to do that. I feel like she’s a lost cause, though she’s the love of my life, my everything. Is there anything I can do to get her to come back? Please help me. Thank you.”
I was happy to help Luke. No offense to the guy (because he didn’t know any better), but by being so clingy and stalking his ex, he was going about it all wrong. So I had to do something.
Luke got my guide, and check out what he wrote me a month later:
“John, man, I owe you the world! I got your system, tried it out, and it worked!! I won Amber’s love back and showed her I’m a changed man like you said to do. I must have read your guide a hundred times. I got a couple friends going through the same thing and will tell them to get it.”
Astonishing, Isn’t It?
In this remarkable guide you’ll discover insider secrets like:
**Is your girlfriend dating some other guy now? **Whether it’s one of her old flames or just some rebound boy, she’ll become more and more obsessed with you when you use these techniques. You’ll watch as she leaves her new boyfriend and comes crawling back to you. (Page 106)
The critical weakness hardwired into your ex-girlfriend’s brain. Here’s what it is and how you can use it to your advantage. Later she’ll look back on everything she did with you and say, “He swept me off my feet. I think he’s really grown and changed, and I want to give him another chance.” (Page 88-89)
The only communication you should dare have with your ex right now (or risk losing her forever). Here are the exact, don’t-make-me-think instructions that will work on your ex no matter how bitter your breakup was. (Page 9)
How to 100% regain her trust using this bulletproof tactic that takes all of 10 minutes to plan and execute. (Page 95)
Once and for all, after intense “real world” testing, how long you should wait after the breakup before contacting her. (Page 7)
Right now your ex-girlfriend has you in her pocket. You’ll immediately turn the tables with this simple ‘magic trick’. (Page 9)
A little mistake that made your girlfriend disgusted by your appearance. You’ll slap yourself when you see what it is. The good news: with this cheap tool, you can fix it in less than a minute. (Page 62)
The five-step Seduction System that takes you from having an “innocent” cup of coffee with your ex-girlfriend… to having her moan “I want you inside me now” as she drags you to bed… in just one evening! (Page 88)
How to make her laugh with you, and have her appreciate you again. Here’s why it works… give your ex the proper kind of teasing and make her laugh, and she’ll be psychologically unable to dislike you anymore. (Page 72)
Plus… How to Make Her Love You Even More When You Get Back Together… So She Won’t Ever Want to Break Up Again!
How a woman can say “I want to spend the rest of my life with you” one day and then break up with you the next. Discover exactly what’s going on in her head. (Page 43)
Why she left you in the first place. A woman only leaves a man for one of four reasons. (Which one does your breakup fall under?) Find this out, and you have another key to getting your girlfriend back. (Page 25)
Why you should never… under any circumstances… ever whine to your ex about how sad you are now that you’re broken up. (Page 13)
The quick 2-step formula to stop all arguments and show your ex that you have a happy future together. (Page 92)
The hush-hush techniques that will rekindle your ex’s love for you.
Did you push away your woman by being jealous and insecure? Here’s a powerful psychological tactic you can use to reverse the damage and solve the problem forever. (Page 46)
The truth about long-distance relationships. The right tactics to get her back can be tricky for these special situations, so make sure you don’t rush headlong into failure! (Page 109)
A lot of guys ask me…
“Can you still get her back when her parents or friends hate you?”
Yeah, it’s easy — see page 96 for details.
The ‘can’t-miss’ tactics that get her to put her guard down… so you can build a connection and get over the walls of “We aren’t right for each other” and “We’re too different.” She’ll open up to you completely and know immediately that you two are meant to be together!
What a woman really means when she says… “I need time,” “I need space,” or “I don’t want a boyfriend right now.” (Page 42)
The truth about “no contact.” Read a lot of “how to get your ex back” guides and you’ll see a common concept of not contacting your woman in any way, so you don’t shout out “desperate, needy, weak or psycho.” This is great advice, but you need to re-contact her in the right way at the right time. You get the inside scoop on page 93.
Confused about what to say and what not to say when you talk to your ex? You get the exact word-for-word script to follow and topics to talk about in all the different scenarios!
Plus… The Breakthrough “Attraction Dials” Techniques
When you discover how to turn you ex’s 11 Attraction Dials, you immediately raise your “value” to your ex, and…
You become the “perfect man” in her eyes. She’ll instantly believe the future will be bright, since you have changed massively and completely for the better.
You make her attracted to you again, so you can get back that same fire you two had when you first went out.
You erase her hesitation about you… no matter how badly you screwed up before!
You capture her undivided attention.
You get her back as quickly as possible.
She realizes what she’s lost and that you’re the only guy for her.
You Will Be Amazed At What Is Possible
Won’t it be nice when your girlfriend realizes what she’s lost and comes crawling back to you?
How happy will you be when you make your ex-girlfriend fall endlessly in love with you again?
How much of a difference will it make in your life when you sweep your ex off her feet — and not only get everything back to normal, but get your relationship running better than before?
I’d like you to imagine for a second that your ex-girlfriend calls you. She says, “Sorry about what’s been happening lately. I think about you night and day and want you back.”
Can you imagine how great that will be?
Can you?
How Much?
Before I get into that, let me ask you… What is it worth to you to get the love of your life back into your arms?
If she’s with someone else now, how sweet will it be when she dumps that loser and realizes you’re the only man for her?
Is it worth $1,000? $2,000? Even more than that?
You won’t believe this, because through this special web site, you can receive everything I’ve described in this remarkable package… the 30,000+ word guide How to Get a Girl Back in 30 Days or Less: A Foolproof Step-By-Step Guide to Get Her in Your Arms Again that will have you dazzled with the results you get…
For your ridiculously low investment of just $39.
And The Best Part Is You Can Just Say “Maybe” And Test-Drive This Amazing System Risk-Free For 8 Weeks
That’s because I offer an unconditional money-back guarantee.
It’s very simple. All you have to do is get immediate online access to How to Get a Girl Back in 30 Days or Less and let its amazing secrets work for you. And then watch as your ex-girlfriend falls madly in love with you again.
If at any time in the next 8 weeks you aren’t completely satisfied with the wonderful new relationship you have with your woman, just let me know and I’ll give you a fast, courteous refund of every penny. With no hassles and no fine print, I can’t be any more fair than that.
You Can Start Getting Her Back In Just 3 Minutes…
I made the guide downloadable, which means you put this plan into action immediately. No waiting for the slow postal service to deliver a package to you, while your girlfriend drifts further and further away.
And because the information is in a digital format, your order is completely discreet and confidential. No one (least of all your ex) has to know you used this special material.
Immediately after you place your secure order (your information will never be revealed to outside parties), you get exclusive access to a secret download page where you can get get your hands on this guide right away, in the privacy of your own home — even if it’s 2 in the morning!
You’ll have everything I talked about in just a few minutes!
So Will You Look Back A Month From Now and Say
“I Wish I Had” or “I’m Glad I Did”?
You can spend the rest of today moping around the house, being depressed and crying about not being with your girlfriend anymore.
Or you can get the woman you cared for to feel for you, think of you, and want you the way she did when you first met.
You can start right away (I mean as soon as a couple minutes from now) enjoying the pleasure of your ex-girlfriend automatically drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
My friend, there’s no risk here at all. So go ahead and secure your copy while it’s fresh on your mind. I look forward to hearing your astonishing success story.

P.S. One more crucially important point. Scientists say a breakup is one of the most stressful life events there is, even more stressful than serving a jail term. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. Grab your risk-free copy of How to Get a Girl Back in 30 Days or Less before it’s too late.
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I understand the price I will be paying today for this entire package is just $39.
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